A growing amount of research has foucused on the aging process and, in particular, the effect of DHEA on the body. DHEA is a compound naturally produced by the adrenal gland. Studies show that levels of DHEA peak in young adulthood and decrease with age. In fact, DHEA levels are very high at birth, but then drop sharply to low levels in childhood. They then rise again before puberty(思春期)and reach peak levels in young adulthood. DHEA levels have been found to drop at a rate of approximately 2% annually, although there may be some differences among individuals of the same age. って要は、毎年2%ずつ減少するデハーを飲んで若返ろうってことかしら?アメリカのスーパーで 60錠15ドルくらいで売ってるよ。
California Health
DEHA 25mg